Pros before Bros: Probiotics That Is.

You’re probably thinking, “isn’t this a skincare blog? What do probiotics have to do with skin? Aren’t probiotics for your gut?” and that’s exactly what I’m here to say. Ready for this super science-y breakdown on how they’re all connected (where my Manifest fans at?) Your skin is your largest organ- no, not just yours, everyone’s! And that large and in charge organ is home to a million trillion microbes that live in an ecosystem called your microbiome. These little ‘biome-y homies work to protect you against pathogens that could impact your skin and overall health. That was basically an elongated way of saying: Your skin is covered in good bacteria that work to fight off bad bacteria. A bunch of super science-y scientists tested the theory that your guts microbiome works the same way, and figured out they’re intrinsically connected. This connection has been named the “gut-skin axis” as a link has been created between gastrointestinal health to skin homeostasis- a process that functions to protect, balance water, regulate body temperature, synthesize vitamins and hormones, and reduce inflammation. The bacteria in your gut produce short chain fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties by balancing the immune cells that either suppress or stimulate inflammation. So, if your gut microbiome is functioning effectively, your skin’s microbiome will also function effectively. But how do we get them to work together in such harmony? Let’s all take some probiotics!

Probiotics are live microorganisms that when consumed help improve or restore gut bacteria. No, you’re not consuming a bunch of creepy crawlies (I mean, you kind of are… you just can’t see them… moving on), you’re simply ingesting the same good bacteria that is already found in your body to help strengthen their force against bad bacteria and balance the system. Probiotics for consumption take several forms, some of which you’re probably already eating or drinking! yogurt, kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, kimchi, miso, pickles, traditional buttermilk, some types of cheese such as gouda, mozzarella, cheddar, and cottage cheese, and probiotic oral supplements.

Just a reminder though, before you take any kind of supplement it’s important to complete your own research and consult with a doctor. It’s also important to note that consuming probiotics is not a magical cure for autoimmune and inflammatory responses, but it can certainly help!

In fact, I challenge you to start incorporating one form of probiotics into your everyday routine and see if you notice any changes in your skin. I know I did and not only did I see immediate results, but I also wrote this confident blog post too.

So, Pros? Way before Bros.

Xoxo, Kiersten